Painful? Bearable? Stature Lengthening Surgery

' Pain ' could be one of the common concerns that people might have in regards to stature lengthening surgery. In this video, Dr. Donghoon Lee talks about the topic of pain after going through a stature lengthening surgery (cosmetic limb lengthening surgery) Pain, according to Dr.Lee, is mainly divided into two different categories, and this is what sets apart this kind surgery from other kinds of surgeries. 1. Pain right after the surgery - Varies by individual - Most people say it's bearable - 2-3 days after the surgery would be a time where there would be most swelling, and then would calm down 2. Pain during the lengthening phase Also called the distraction phase, the lengthening of bones doesn't happen all at once. It is made gradually, over a period of time, and this can be a time where a new pain arises. - Upto 3cm is usually not much difficult. - But even after that, pain varies by individual. - On average, the pain score...