What is Recurrent Patella Dislocation?

  In this video, Dr. Donghoon Lee talks about the recurrent patella dislocation  There are two types of patella dislocation, they are traumatic dislocation and habitual dislocation.  Traumatic dislocation is hurting the cartilage, bones, ligament, and so on very suddenly and feeling severe pain.  For habitual dislocation, it's recurrent and depends on the flexibility of the surrounding organizations.   Doctor Lee ends the video by concluding that patella is such an important mechanism in our bodies, so it is important to take care of it and visit the surgeon as soon as possible if you have any problems related to it.  

Stature Lengthening Surgery Interview

 This video contains the interview with the patient who lengthened the height 6cm in total by undergoing the cosmetic leg lengthening surgery.   This patient became 171.5cm after going through the cosmetic leg lengthening surgery.  He underwent the surgery by LON(lengthening over nail) method  and lengthened 6cm in tibia.   After the patient grew 6cm, the biggest changes to him were clothes and proportion.  Whenever he gets the pants, he does not have to lengthen the pants anymore.  Also, many people around him started to say that you look even taller than your actual height. (because of ideal proportion) The three factors that this patient considered the most are safety, no major complication, and achieving the lengthening goals.  He is happy to get all three, so appreciates Dr. Lee so much.  

International Patients from Kazakhstan

  This video contains the stories of the patients from Kazakhstan.   This patient had a cyst which causes the bone fracture.  He is here for treating it and hopes to wrestle again to achieve his dream which is becoming the national wrestling player.   After removing the cyst, the bone fracture naturally healed.  Now he needs recovery time and rehabilitation. This patient from Kazakhstan came to DALRI to correct her deformity.  Her right tibia was 6cm shorter than the left tibia  You can see the patient's pre-op(left) and post-op(right).  It is very clear that her legs got straightened a lot.   The patient is very happy to correct her deformity, and she does not have to suffer from discomfort such as being embarrassed when walking, having difficulty when driving, and so on.  

Femur or Tibia, which one is better for Stature Lengthening?

  In this video, Dr. Donghoon Lee talks about the lengthening segments(femur or tibia), lengthening target, procedure, athletic abilities recovery, and so on.   If you really care about the scars, lengthening the femur would be a better option since the scars for tibia are much more visible. Also, in terms of recovery time(daily routine, athletic abilities), femur is faster than tibia since the callous grows faster. For lengthening femur, PRECICE is the only option, but for tibia LON(lengthening over nail) is also producing good results.  Therefore, if you care about the cost for lengthening tibia, LON could be a suitable option.   For the last point, it is important to have a balance between femur and tibia when lengthening.  Therefore, it is not a good idea to lengthen one segment excessively for both reasons proportion, and recovery.  

Athletic Abilities after Cosmetic Leg Lengthening

  In this video, Dr. Donghoon Lee talks about regaining the athletic abilities after the leg lengthening surgery.  He shows his patient's case including the x-ray and the patient's athletic movements.   The patient maintains decent athletic abilities such as sprinting, jumping, and lifting weight even after the surgery.  The patient oneself also feels that he has recovered almost 100% from the pre-op.   The patient in the video lengthened 5cm in femur.  You can check the leg's length difference by looking at the before(left) & after(right) photo  According to Dr. Lee's study, the recovery of femur is much better in terms of athletic abilities recovery.  (compared to tibia) Dr. Lee claims that the key to the athletic abilities recovery is the rehabilitation.  If you dedicate yourself to rehab and work hard, you will be able to recover the athletic abilities fully(almost 100%) even after the surgery.  

A Real Doctor's Opinion About Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Surgery

  This video is the interview with the mother of the patient who is the  anesthesiologist.  At first, she had a negative view on her daughter undergoing the cosmetic leg lengthening surgery, but at the end, she is very happy about the result and appreciating Dr. Donghoon Lee a lot.   From Dr. Lee's perspective, the biggest advantage of the leg lengthening surgery is that the patients can become mentally healthier.  Of course, there are other advantages such as looking better, having better body proportions and so on, but the biggest part is that they do not feel complex about height anymore after the surgery. Dr. Lee believes that the cosmetic leg lengthening surgery is not just making the patients' legs longer, but also treating the patients' mind.  Therefore, he is very happy with the fact that he can do such a valuable surgery.  

Dr. Lee's Simultaneous Lengthening Program

    In this video, Dr. Donghoon Lee introduces the simultaneous lengthening program, and  he also shows the case of his patient  Dr. Lee takes EOS image which is one of the most sophisticated ways to check the patient's body specifically.   One of Dr. Lee's patients lengthened his target from 8cm to 10cm since his physical condition and rehab were both excellent  The patient is recovering well, going through the hydrotherapy(SwimEx) smoothly as well  The two main advantages of simultaneous lengthening are that you can lengthen 8-10cm in a short amount of time and also get an ideal body proportion